The very last post


Cheers, my brothers and sisters

Condolences to past dreams and past desires left unfulfilled, and the merry way open to the inevitable change in time and flow merriment, for each member seems lost on his own way and into his journey he does proceed mercilessly towards achieving his own unknowing pathing

Last month or so I burnt out on the blues, looking across every distillery in the nation, for some last ounce to drip out my sorrow, alas it was buoyant, but even so, it has lifted into the ethereal space

I suppose I was not born into the easiest life, still my journey takes on a road well-trodden and well-known, but to these eyes they will be the first, and open casket or open road, whatever it be say it so and burn the sky with every single Icarian feather

I have not so often known to be true till recent that there is everything in the way but nothing at all, this reliance on physical manifestation has never been my way to proceed

But enough rumination

so so and so

be it so

for to be a man

is to live

in spite of real sorrows!

The Problem with the World’s Metric System


Without units, civilization as we know it would not exist. Without dimensions for quantities, how tall would our pyramids be, how heavy our swords, how powerful our engines? Cultures worldwide have developed their own, all equally arbitrary, systems of measurement. Usually, they were defined with parts of the human body or a common occurrence. For example, the inch used in US Customary and Imperial systems was defined as “three grains of sound ripe barley being taken out the middle of the ear, well dried, and laid end to end in a row”.

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The Aftermath of a Burnt Hydrangea


(i.e. after Enola Gay)


She was just shy of a night acquaintance, having then weathered the

Havoc of an ice cream spazzing in her mouth

The exact time a canister containing highly dangerous radioactive elements exploded —

and considered it with some black humor.





That tired penitent, which draws copious prayer

In his modeling studio, in the telephone booth, as if

The merest arbitration would leave him crucified.


Off the bus station I saw him go,

From a dirty avenue, holding still the scent of womanly

Something behind.


His sour perspiration, if unrightly made divine,

Might turn rain acid.

A Dictate from the Heavens


(Or, A Message to Radicals)


Thwart for me that traitor,

In his attempts to wield the augur of divinity,

But shine not too steadfast, towards an examination

Of your own blind atomic pilgrimage

That which would pilfer so little of what is left in your petty soul,

Whereby your inclination to the behavior of a swine,

If trounced upon in an unlikely event of self-realization,

Would by jihad thrust the whitened dagger with which you wield

Through your own blackened heart.

The contrarian



The contrarian in the waiting room dismissed the operator’s command as merely a request, but said nothing in regard to the revelation announced so boldly in the purgatory.

“Didn’t you hear — we’ve finally come to end in this matter, we’ve finally been emancipated…”

As it so happened, the operator in all his time of waiting had not really seen the contrarian at all really, which he quickly realized was no surprise at all:

“Well,” claimed the contrarian, “I’ve only just quite arrived here,” as he made a brief effort to tidy his clean surroundings.

Irked by this nonchalantness, the operator adopted a stoic mode of interpreting this troublemaker’s conduct in the same form of personality he likely would have imagined in his exemplary martyr.

Looking towards the doorway now, the operator said, “Mr. Henry, you aren’t much of a protagonist even when it isn’t that much required to gain yourself a ticket to heaven — it seems like the heroic act is just too much to walk towards for you, quite literally.”

“I know not of what you refer to,” the contrarian concluded.


On Evil and its Origins



The ancient peoples of the Earth, having found themselves in ownership of it, having battled against nature, dueling the elements abundant in the earth, stealing its sweetest nectar, slaying its beasts, devouring the harvests of its land, came to dominate it, building spires and cities, had built civilization, and birthed modernity.

Yet, in the time of their primitive suffering, when their harvests grew sour and their people began to perish, why should they not begin to hold faith in their power, why should they not design meaning to their lives, and, if they look to the sun, and, if they look to the oceans, and, if they look to the skies, if thus they be in sublime worship, why should they not design themselves a ritual, a tradition, a god?

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Understanding the Nietzsche Critique



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The Nietzsche Kritik


A resource for Forensics.

In policy debate, one of the more arcane concepts is the K. Critical arguments distinguish policy from congressional, public forum, and (for now) Lincoln-Douglas debate. One of the more common Ks to run is the Nietzsche K. This one is an easy K because it links to just about every argument that policy debaters make. A desire to flee from suffering motivates many plans, impacts create suffering for people, and solvency tends to focus on preventing that suffering from taking place.

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The Online Persona (in Video Games)



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Surely the philosophers of the past, have they of realized the magnificent powers derived from the incredible expansion of technology in these recent decades, would have stood green with envy towards us men, who hold much greater quandaries to contemplate due to a much greater precedent in technology. As now, more than ever, the possibility of transcendence of the self and body, in literal terms, is within purview. As the emergence of the personal computer in the late 1970s and early 1980s began to dominate the market and captivate universal attention in first world countries, a marked shift in culture became realized during the 1980s.

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